”Immediate Deliverables OR Future Investments” Leaders, you don’t have to pick just 1. Here’s a time-tested way to do both: The financial planning industry has an elegant solution to the issue of Short Term VS Long Term goals. Each individual investment is serving some need in the larger portfolio: → Short term assets: they are to meet the financial needs of the next few months → Medium term assets: they are to meet the needs of next year → Long term assets: they won’t give immediate returns but you invest in them now to have big returns in the future This Portfolio Method can also be applied to Goal setting in the work environment. Each goal should serve a specific time horizon & you can have multiple goals, each serving a different time horizon. In my #oneglancecard I explain how you can use the Portfolio Method of Goal-Setting to: → Create goals for 3 time horizons: Short, Medium & Long term → Align your team to these goals
At work (& in life) we can’t just focus on winning today or investing in tomorrow. We have to do both & the key to that is splitting out goals by time horizon & aligning our teams to do that. How do you tackle the Short term VS long term goals debate? ———————————————-
- 📌 Another good framework for planning & goal setting is Amazon’s Working Backwards framework. My #oneglancecard on it: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gauravsingh961_oneglancecard-activity-6942304655129354240-c5Nj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop