I am fascinated by the idea of online courses & communities for adult learners. I have written several posts on them:
Currently, I am building online courses for two entities: New managers and Founders/CEOs
For New Managers
New Managers are the biggest leadership layer of any organization yet they get the least support for becoming better leaders:
- Executives are over fed with coaching & trainings.
- Senior & middle leaders have enough to keep them satiated.
- But new managers are starved.
My hunch was that many companies want to do something to fix this. But they don’t have the resources to build their own leadership programs or hire expensive consultants to come & train their new managers.
That’s why I partnered with my good friends at Co.labX & built the ‘New Manager Academy’.
It’s a 4 week online course that is built for busy managers in growing companies. We have a curated curriculum full of hands on learning & a thriving peer community.
600+ leaders from 100+ companies across 7+ countries have already gone through this program. We have an industry leading NPS of 65 & a 95+% satisfaction rate.
Few Testimonials
Shivanshu Arya Project Lead - Large Scale Programs, Alohomora Education Foundation
Felt like a lifetime worth of learning was shared with me in a month's time. It shouldn't be called a course but ‘On the Job’ training. It has helped me look at my role in a a very different light. Each and every aspect shared in the course is implementable as is or after some customization according to your need.
Akhila Nookala
Program Designer, Inqui-Lab Foundation
Loved everything about the course - content, facilitator, support, resources, iterations after feedback, squad time, and session timing being rightly planned. Would surely recommend this to my peers. Thank you for this amazing programme. Going back with a lot of learnings and confidence to implement these at my workplace.
Harshit Takkar Assistant Director - Strategic Initiatives, Ashoka University
The content offered as part of this course was very well knit together & comprehensive. One lesson led to another which gave a 360-degree view of how to become a better manager and a better team member. The highlight for me was the session on how to use a decision matrix to take important decisions. I immediately implemented it in my work & it has helped a lot to improve our decision making process.

Soumik Ghosh AVP - Sales, Neptunus Power
This course helped me with the tools which can be quickly implemented to build a great team & leverage its full potential. It also helped in giving me clarity of my role as a manager. Gaurav's presentations were extremely simple & impactful!
For Founders & CEOs
I became a CEO at 25. It was an exhilarating journey & I wouldn’t have it any other way. But it was also very hard & isolating.
The two persistent challenges I faced:
- Overwhelming & generic advice: I had to learn a lot about being a CEO. But most of the available information was cliches & fluff. It took a ton of work to find the useful & actionable insights. Often even those were more suited for experienced CEOs in big companies & not for a young CEO like me running a startup.
- Isolation: I didn’t have a co-founder & I spent most of this journey alone. I had a great team & superb set of advisors. But there were many things that I couldn’t share with them & often those were the things I most needed to share with someone.
My aim now is to build the courses & communities I wish I had in my decade of being a CEO. There are several ideas that I am working on currently.
If this interests you, let’s chat:
‘1 on 1 with Gaurav’ Newsletter
Every 2 weeks, I'll share a free, 2-minute newsletter for busy leaders with:
- 1 Management concept (to act on)
- 1 Leadership insight (to ponder on)
Enter your email & sign up for free right now.
‼️Launching Soon‼️ 500+ Leaders have already signed up. Join us:
Shramanth Rajarathnam
Program Design, Inqui-Lab Foundation
One of the most crisply structured courses I have ever attended! There was a good mix of new managerial approaches (that I found value in implementing) and known approaches (that reinforced what I am implementing). Super concise information dissemination (essentials-only session slides), super effective way of capturing takeaways (playbook cards), and super relevant real-world connects (wish there were more of these). I would recommend this course for anyone managing people for the first time and being scared about it (like me) and for anyone looking to hone their managerial approach to deliver high-quality results and nurture high-quality teammates. While my managerial practices did not magically transform within the course, it has given me long-term direction.
Gayatri RP CEO, 321 Education Foundation
I have worked closely with Gaurav for the last few years and took over as CEO of 321 Education Foundation from him. I saw first hand the amazing team & culture he had built at 321. Out of many things he did well, one in particular was how groomed 321’s new managers. His unique gift is that he is able to extract insights from all his readings & experiences & then present them in a simple & relatable manner. I have seen young managers in 321 lap up his sessions and then go on to apply the learnings with aplomb. Now if Gaurav is starting a course in management, I would say just go for it. I wish I had this opportunity when I started out as a manager.
Manisha Khungar Assistant Director Career Development Office, Ashoka University
This course definitely made me look at things with a different perspective. Also Gaurav is a great listener and aggregator amongst many other things. Quite a few takeaways for me from this course.
Henry May CEO, Coschool
Gaurav has some awesome strategies for new managers packed into a new 4 week course. Check it out
Laxmi Nair Freelance Consultant, Program Design & Delivery
I was lucky to have Gaurav as my manager in the early days of my career. In addition to being an excellent role model, he had an uncanny ability to break down any concept to simple, distilled and easy to replicate steps. What I learned from him helped me manage a range of situations - from being responsible for results through indirect management to directly managing large teams. Gaurav is insightful, full of stories and there's an added bonus of humour. He's helped me learn many of the fundamentals that have informed my approach to managing people and projects to drive results. I would highly recommend this course and the opportunity to learn from a knowledgeable and fun teacher!
Aadi Rungta Program lead, education policy and administration @ Govt. of NCT of Delhi, The Education Alliance
In over a decade of working, Gaurav has been by far the most influential manager I have ever had. He was the first person to help my realise my potential as a manager & gave me that responsibility. He invested a lot in me, was very patient as I developed my managerial skills & gave me lots of support & space to grow. Some of the most critical things I learnt from him: how to give quality feedback, building systems that create high performing teams, setting thoughtful goals and how to manage up & sideways. Remarkably he gave this kind of support to not just me but many other young managers like me. I'm able to do what I do today, becuase of all the learnings from our time together. In the 7 years that Gaurav managed me, he gave me learnings that I will apply for the rest of my life.
Aswathy Jayakumar
Co-Founder, Ayang Trust
A meaningfully curated course that is relevant to the modern-day manager, created by people who have been on a journey to being excellent managers themselves. The course will give you frameworks which are research-backed and tried and tested by the course curators themselves over a decade.
Rachita Vora Co-founder, India Development Review
Gaurav is launching an online Cohort Based Course specifically for managers of startups and small companies. With toxic work cultures, and the always-be-hustling and go-go-go approach, there is less and less focus on building solid managers. And often this is what makes or breaks organisations.
Deepika Ghosh Lead - Workplace Inclusion, Changeinkk
Gaurav is an incredible instructor - he has just the right balance of energy, subject knowledge, and practical smarts. The course was well-organized and useful, regardless of whether one is presently managing a team or hoping to do so in the future. What I loved most was that the team iterated each session's delivery based on feedback from the previous session, and that I could come away with a personalised playbook of learnings that resonated with me.
Neha Kanojia Project Lead - Large Scale Programs, Alohomora Education Foundation
The course helped me to visualize my role holistically. It was very well structured and broke down actions and ideas that you can go and implement immediately. I enjoyed all the sessions and always used to look forward to them. I highly recommend that people who manage teams be a part of this course!
Jayati Bhatia Senior Manager, Ashoka University
All the sessions were great, presented very well, the team is doing a great job, few concepts seem to be extremely relevant and as a manager, I have implemented those and seen some positive changes in the team's behavior and it is helping in creating a good team culture. I am glad to attend this program, it has helped me in dealing with some of the personal challenges that I was facing being a new/budding manager for my team. All these learnings are extremely useful and will help me in becoming a good manager.
Artur Tavere Founder & CEO, Arengusammud
If you are a new manager or have new managers in your team - sign up now. I'd highly recommend this new 4 week online course for new managers. Starting soon. Gaurav is an exceptional leader, manager, teacher, thinker.
Anustup Nayak Project Director, Central Square Foundation
This course is a great opportunity to learn the ropes on becoming a manager from an exceptional entrepreneurial leader like Gaurav Singh
Simon Graffy CEO, Inspiring Teachers
Got people you want to develop as great managers? Look no further than this new program from Gaurav Singh. It will be brilliant I'm sure.
Rima Bist Director of Program, Brilliant club
I have seen 4 kinds of leaders in my life: those who can tell you what good leadership is but can’t do it themselves, those who can do it but can’t explain it, those can do it & explain but not all the time & the rare category who can consistently demonstrate great leadership through their actions but also help new leaders understand & do it. Gaurav belongs in the 4th category. I worked with him for nearly a decade & saw him show great leadership every single day and also teach dozens of new managers how to become capable leaders themselves. I personally never saw myself as a leader. But Gaurav was able to see the potential in me that I couldn’t see myself. He gave me the responsibility to lead a team & then supported me intensely to become the best leader I could. He taught me which weaknesses to fix & which to ignore, how to prioritise when everything seems urgent, how to handle the messiness of people management & how to always keep improving. At 321, I led large scale programs & now in the UK I lead programs which impact people across the entire country. None of this would have happened even I had not been managed & groomed by Gaurav. If there is 1 person I owe most of my professional success to, it is him.
Harsh Swaminarayan People Lead, 321 Education Foundation
I spent 8 years closely working with Gaurav as my manager & leader, yet I still wish I could get more from him. He played different roles at different times: my manager, my manager’s manager but was always a mentor & role model for me. The key thing he did brilliantly was to absorb the global best practices about management & leadership from the best books, leading experts & self reflection. He then helped all of us at 321 Foundation apply these best practices by putting them in simple systems, communicating them powerfully, constantly modelling them & supporting us all the way. He taught me how to make better decisions, manage complex projects, handle pressure situations & bring out the best in myself & others. Universe-full of gratitude falls short of what he’s given me!/tu
Swati Choudhary Assistant Director Residence Life Office, Ashoka University
This course was a worthwhile experience: lots of relevant learning tools & excellent delivery! Gaurav is a wonderful facilitator. He made the training more lively & comprehensible. He also made the sessions interactive without putting pressure on the participants. I enjoyed every bit of the sessions. I also found the session contents very informative and valuable. I will be preserving them for my future reference.
Rhea Willibrord Associate Director, St. Willibrord International School
Firstly the simplicity with which the trainer waltzed through the content was a skill that one can/must take up as managers. The content was so useful on many levels. It is the little things that matter the most to new managers which in many organizations are taken for granted, and it is these simple tools in form of processes well shared and explained by Gaurav that actually go a long way for a manager new or old. These processes and idea shares are what every manager secretly yearns for, New Manager Academy is a must-attend!
Yogesh Varadkar
Assistant Manager - Programs, Antarang Foundation
The biggest learning I would take from Gaurav's sessions is how beautifully he captured the participant's feedback and incorporated it throughout the journey. Extremely consistent in improvising the content and in aligning it to the learning needs. Another piece that I really found enabling was the tools shared with us. Very simple to understand, actionable, and can be used across the realms of our work.
Parul Tulsyan Senior Manager - Head of Digital Marketing, Ashoka University
Thank you Gaurav, for sharing your wisdom, experience, and expertise with us. It was one of the most useful courses I've done so far. Entering into the role of a new manager, the task can often be very daunting and there's usually not much formal training there. But the frameworks and tools shared by you will surely help in my journey for many years to come.
Nikhat Aga Instruction Head, Acres Foundation
My journey as a a manager began under Gaurav. He gave me access to himself & other leaders so I could learn from their expertise. He guided me to the right sources so I could learn by reading & watching. He gave me space to make my mistakes & then helped me fix them & learn from them. Most importantly he believed in me when I struggled, supported me through my lows & was the role model I emulated through my early years. Recently a managee left me a note telling me how my belief & support of her had helped her be the best she could be. My mind instantly went back to the time when I had left a similar note for Gaurav. He showed me the life changing impact a great manager can have. I now try to thank him by paying it forward.
Manisha Pandita Product Director, Jupiter & Co-founder, Easyplan
I first learned about Gaurav when I visited the Teach for India Institute way back in 2012. At that time, I wondered what the fuss about this guy was. Then I visited the 3 2 1 school he went on to set up in one Mumbai’s most vulnerable neighbourhoods. And I saw the magic for myself. I was blown away by the students’ confidence and thoughtfulness, and well, their flawless English. Since then, Gaurav has been helping school leaders across India get to the next level. And now, he is bringing those same principles to help managers across sectors learn and grow. He is easily one of the smartest, and most inspirational people I know, and I can’t wait to see this next venture thrive.
Girish Menon CEO, STIR Education
This course is a great initiative. Check it out & also read Gaurav’s amazing thread explaining how he built this course.
Trina Talukdar Co-founder, Kranti
One of my top 10 social entrepreneurs and contemporary thinkers, Gaurav Singh, is starting his new course. Gaurav, through 321 Education Foundation has transformed 10k+ teachers into leaders. Now he's set to do it with managers. Get on this bus!!!
Kamini Ganguly Sr Manager Design, 321 Foundation
As a new manager I was more comfortable with managing projects & creating products but less comfortable with leading people. Soon I got overwhelmed with various people issues. Gaurav had always created a safe space for all new managers so I reached out to him. I was not at a place to fully understand what was bothering me & what I was struggling with. But he was able to quickly guide to the crux of the problem & then support me in brainstorming solutions. He even helped me pull out meta learnings from this experience to help me independently handle some of these situations in the future & not repeat these mistakes. This is just 1 incident but this was he supported several of us new managers when we just started out. He taught us the principles of leadership, the practices of management & was a great role model for all of us to emulate. Over the years, we all became capable managers mainly because of the constant guidance & support he gave us.
Anukshi Mittal Program Manager, Upraised
Gaurav has a track record of building exceptional teams, driving exceptional outcomes and helping people find their greatest potential, all the while tackling some of the hardest problems facing society. Gaurav taught me how to manage myself so I could manage others, how to be nice while pursing ambitious goals, how to balance accountability & autonomy for my team & how to motivate others to work towards a common mission. The 4 years I spent at 321 working with Gaurav have been the greatest education I have had so far. I attribute a huge part of my subsequent success to Gaurav. Every one I know who has ever worked with him feels the same way.
Sunil Kataria Deputy Director IT, Ashoka University
I have learned a lot in these 4 weeks...I have evaluated my skills as a manager and I can say with full confidence that now I have tools and methods which can help me in becoming a better manager and a better team member.
Arushi Kumar Marketing Lead, Valud
A lot of my personal learnings on how to embody your values and what an excellent manager looks like comes from Gaurav Singh. Please check out his new CBC for new managers. Gaurav is an excellent coach and facilitator and will help you unlock your best!
Ayush Chaturvedi Online creator & Solopreneur
My friend Gaurav is launching his first CBC. If you're a new manager you need to get this, I know Gaurav, he's an excellent leader and manager. If I had a manager like him, I would have probably stayed on at my job a bit longer.
Adi Verma Online Writer
After spending 9 years in the finance sector, I noticed that 99% managers don't know what they're doing. And it isn't limited to corporates. Managing people is a byproduct of leadership. Gaurav is launching his inaugural management cohort: check it out!
Ameet Mehta CEO, First Principles
Very excited for this course to come out and I look forward to recommending this to managers and team members at First Principles. You should consider this too.
Kshitiz Anand AVP Design, Paytm
Have loved Gaurav Singh’s insights & posts. And then there are the learnings from with Saahil Sood & Arhan Bezbora. Glad they come together to create The New Manager Academy. This is invaluable for 1st time managers.